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Required Coursework

All courses must be completed with a C- or higher.

BCOR 350 Principles of Marketing
Overview of marketing and the interrelationships between marketing and other business disciplines. Topics include the management of the product, communication, price, and distribution variables as well as introduction to buyer behavior and marketing research.

MKTG 325 Marketing Research
Scientific approach to the solution of marketing problems with emphasis on research methods and techniques.

Select three of the following:

MKTG 315 Buyer Behavior
PR: BCOR 350 with a minimum grade of C-. The buyer decision process in a marketing framework. Emphasis on psychological and sociological concepts which influence the decision process.

MKTG 330 Distribution Channels
PR: BCOR 350 with a grade of C- or higher. Management of channel systems with emphasis on retail distribution, channel choice, strategies, control, and optimization within the context of role, power, conflict, and communications.

MKTG 345 Selling with Digital Media
PR: BCOR 350 with a grade of C- or higher. Exploration of how emerging forms of digital media such as social networking, and/or blogs can advance or hinder personal selling and marketing in the 21st century.

MKTG 350 Product and Price Policies
PR: BCOR 350 with a minimum grade of C-. Deals with the company's product offering as economic and marketing variables influencing product's price; stress on determination of product and price objectives, planning, implementation, and evaluation of results.

MKTG 475 Social Media and Marketing
PR: BCOR 350 with a minimum grade of C-. Students will explore and learn how to integrate these social media platforms into product and organization marketing efforts.

MKTG 485 Global Marketing
Evaluation and analysis of marketing strategies in a global environment, examination of the relationship between international buyer behavior and the elements of the marketing mix.

Total Hours: 15

Note: Students may only declare two minors from the John Chambers College of Business and Economics.

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