What are special sessions?
Our Special Sessions are designed with our students in mind. Whether a student chooses Maymester, Summer Term, or Winter Intersession, these sessions are designed to give students the opportunity to complete a GEF, get ahead in their coursework, earn a minor, and even graduate early.
Offered during winter break and after the spring semester, these sessions fit right into some slower times that allow for more concentration and rigorous learning.

Winter Intersession
We call this 3-week, fully online learning option, offered mid-December to early January, Winter Intersession. In just three weeks students can earn up to five credits. Registration opens in October and students must meet eligibility requirements to participate. Typically, students spend 20-40 hours per week completing coursework.

We call Maymester our pre-summer, fully online, 3-week accelerated learning option. Maymester and Winter Intersession operate very similarly. Students can earn up to five credits in three weeks. Registration opens in March and students must meet eligibility requirements to participate. Typically, students spend 20-40 hours per week completing coursework.

Summer Term
Our Summer Term slightly overlaps with Maymester but students can enroll in both, without exceeding 14 credits. The best thing about summer is the course flexibility. For example, some courses are on-campus, while others are online. The length of courses also varies with three-, six-, nine-, and twelve-week options. Summer is a great way to learn in a more relaxed and concentrated kind of way.