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Infant and Toddler

West Virginia University announces a minor in Infant and Toddler. This minor is offered through the Child Development and Family Studies (CDFS) program, one of four programs offered through the Technology, Learning and Culture Department in the College of Applied Human Sciences. The purpose of this minor is to better prepare individuals to work with infants and toddlers in a variety of settings. Students will concentrate on courses that address topics such as the physical, cognitive, social, and emotional development of infants and toddlers as facilitated by families, educators, child care professionals, and others. These classes are taught by instructors in the Child Development and Family Studies Program in the Department of Technology, Learning and Culture. Upon completion of six courses, the student will be better prepared for career opportunities in a variety of settings including Early Head Start, Head Start, Department of Health and Human Resources, private child care and child care centers.

This minor will be available through Extended Learning for three categories of students:

  1. Traditional students enrolled at WVU in majors other than Child Development and Family Studies who might want to minor in this area of study. An Infant and Toddler minor may add a valuable dimension to their program of study, such as students from Psychology, Education, Speech, Social Work, and Nursing.
  2. Students enrolled in the Multidisciplinary Studies (MDS) program. The Multidisciplinary Studies Bachelor of Arts program is comprised of three related minors. This program does not limit students to courses of study in a particular college or school, but emphasizes multidisciplinary/cross-disciplinary studies. The program's flexibility, appropriate breadth and depth in the chosen areas of study, and focus on developing an understanding of the nature of cross-disciplinary investigation constitute its most salient features. Each student chooses three minor areas and must demonstrate how these areas work together toward his/her educational and/or career goals. Some students may find the Infant and Toddler Minor to be a good fit in the overall development of their unique program of studies.
  3. Non-traditional adult learners enrolled in the Regents Bachelor of Arts (RBA) program may find the Infant and Toddler Minor to be a valuable asset in their program of study. This program assesses the life and/or work experiences of the adult student for potential college-equivalent credit. Although the students in this program do not have a specific disciplinary major, they do earn a total of 120 credits and those credits may include areas of emphasis. The Infant and Toddler Minor will qualify as an area of emphasis in this program of study.

Because the Infant and Toddler Minor is offered through Extended Learning (online), it is ideal for nontraditional students and working professionals. It is also available through Extended Learning for traditional non-CDFS undergraduates pursuing a variety of academic options.

The Infant and Toddler Minor consists of 6 courses and a total of 19 credit hours. At least 9 hours must be at the 300 level or above.

The current sequencing of courses requires approximately 3 semesters to fulfill the minor requirements.

Minimum Performance Standards

To qualify for an Extended Learning Infant and Toddler Minor, a student must have earned a minimum grade of "C" or better in each of the above required and chosen courses and a cumulative GPA of at least 2.5 in all the coursework in the minor.

Required Prerequisite Courses: (Seven Credit Hours)

CDFS 110 Families Across the Life-Span
Explores the physical, psychological, and cognitive developmental changes of individuals who are functioning in family systems that change across the life span.

CDFS 211 Infant Development
Developmental characteristics and environmental effects on the child during the prenatal period and the first two years with implications for guidance and care, includes practical experience working with children.

Prerequisites: CDFS 110

Select Four Classes from the following six courses: (12 additional credit hours)

CDFS 210 Introduction to Parenting
Introduction to terminology, descriptions, and explanations of the parental role and parent-child interactions. Emphasis on social and personal definitions of the parental role and on the problems and changes in parent-child relationships.

Prerequisites: CDFS 110

CDFS 430 Best Practices in PreK Movement
The course will prepare students to plan, develop and implement an appropriate structured movement program so children from infancy through five can be physically active and set the stage for lifelong physical activity (includes a practicum).

Prerequisites: CDFS 110

CDFS 431 Infant Literacy and Language Development
This is an advanced course in infant and toddler language and literacy development. There will be a focus on the development of language and literacy within the home and the childcare centers. Students will develop activities that will promote infant language and literacy development.

Prerequisites: CDFS 110, CDFS 211

CDFS 492V. (soon to be CDFS 432) Early Socio-emotional Growth and Development
This is an advanced course in infant and toddler social and emotional development. There will be a focus on the development of emotion and the development of relationship with caregivers and peers. Students will develop activities that will promote infant socio-emotional wellbeing.

Prerequisites: CDFS 110, CDFS 211

CDFS 421 Developing and Administering a Child Care Center
Senior standing. Focuses on skills necessary for developing and implementing sound program management of different types of early childhood education centers. (Summer only)

Prerequisites: CDFS 110

CDFS 491A Professional Field Experience (Community Internship)
Prearranged experiential learning program to be planned, supervised and evaluated for credit by faculty and field supervisors. Involves temporary placement with public or private enterprise for professional competence development.

Prerequisites: CDFS 110, CDFS 211

For additional information contact Nancy Wolfe-Dilgard at To register for online courses, contact WVU Online at (800) 253-2762 or email

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