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Here’s your chance to get ahead: Maymester

By Charlene Lattea, WVU Online | Thursday, February 09, 2023

This year, Maymester opens on May 8 and runs through May 26. That’s right after the regular term is over, so what could be easier?

Did you ever feel like you just need a chance to get ahead a little bit, make up for lost time, and work in some additional credits? If so, WVU’s pre-summer, fully online, 3-week accelerated learning option called “Maymester” is a way to help you do that.

By taking advantage of this unique opportunity, students can earn up to 5 credits in just 3 weeks! The early session is available to any current WVU undergraduate, graduate, or visiting student.

Registration opens on March 7 and continues up through the first day of classes.

Additionally, did we mention that it’s fully online? That means you can take classes from anywhere. You will interact with faculty and peers through discussion boards, wikis, blogs, and more.

As a result, you can lighten your course load for spring, fulfill GEF requirements, diversify your transcript, or get ahead and graduate early.

With Maymester, you can get some classes out of the way and still have time to enjoy the summer!

What does it cost?

The tuition for undergraduates and visiting students is $391 per credit hour and the graduate student rate is $589 per credit hour.

Students who register for Maymester will have their aid eligibility evaluated starting in mid-March if they meet the criteria for summer aid reviews. If eligible, aid for Maymester courses would be part of their summer financial aid offer.

Most importantly, financial aid eligibility is based on your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and other student aid requirements. Review the Summer Financial Aid website for more information about summer aid eligibility.

How do I register for Maymester?

If you are interested in taking Maymester courses, you should talk to your advisor and submit an application.

In addition, find out what classes you can take, get registration details, see a list of important dates, and more for Maymester and also for Summer 2023 at the Summer Term website.

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