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Agribusiness Management

The Agribusiness Management minor combines an understanding of food and agricultural production with business fundamentals such as management, marketing, sales and finance. Although the minor focuses on agriculture, the concepts are broad enough to apply to business more generally.

This minor requires 15 credit hours of coursework and gives students skills aimed specifically at rural businesses that produce, process or market agricultural products and commodities. Career opportunities range from locally owned firms or farms, including nurseries and landscaping businesses, to federal agencies dealing with land use, food and agriculture, to Fortune 500 companies such as Unilever and Nestle.

The Agribusiness Management minor requires the following courses:

ARE 110 Agribusiness Accounting
Introduction to accounting for agricultural, rural, and small business managers. Emphasis on the accounting cycle, analysis and interpretation of financial statements, income taxes, and managerial accounting. (Students having prior college credit in accounting are not eligible for this course.)

ARE 204 Agribusiness Management
Overview of the agribusiness decision-making process, and the functions of agribusiness management; analysis of financial statements and budgeting for evaluating profitability of alternative enterprises and practices.

ARE 461 Agribusiness Finance
An overview of financial analysis and the application of financial principles to small, rural and agricultural businesses. Includes applications of financial analysis computer software.

ARE 435 Marketing Livestock Products
Livestock marketing practices and policies. Supply and demand, livestock price cycles, grading, marketing alternatives, processing and retailing. Economic analysis of alternatives, current issues, and trends.

ARE 382. Agricultural and Natural Resources Law
Introduction to legal concepts, principles and practices related to environmental, natural resource, and agricultural issues; in the context of the legal system within which statues are enacted, administered and enforced.

To earn a minor in Agribusiness Management, a student must earn a C- or better in the courses counted toward the minor.

For additional information contact To register for online courses, contact WVU Online at (800) 253-2762 or email

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